January 12, 2025

What is Computer 2021 | Computer Full Form | OnlineYukti

What is Computer 

Computer – A computer is an electronic device that is used to solve arithmetic and logical operations (i learn this when I am in school).

Computer Full Form

C= Common
O= Oriented
M= Machine
P= Particularly
U= United and used under
T= Technical and
E= Educational
R= Research.

Computer Full Form English

Common-Oriented,-Machine-Particularly-United and used under-Technical and-Research.

1. what is the full form of pc
personal computer

2. what is the full form of pdf

portable document format

3. what is the full form of Perl

practical extraction and report language

4. what is the full form of ping

packet internet groper

5. what is the full form of png

portable network graphics

6. what is the full form of prolog

programming in logic

7. what is the full form of pt


8. what is the full form of QIF

quicken interchange format

9. what is the full form of QRcode

quick response code

10. what is the full form of a ram

random access memory

11. what is the full form of rip

rest in peace

12. what is the full form of RSS

really simple syndication

13. what is the full form of SATA

serial advanced technology attachment

14. what is the full form of SEO

search engine optimization

15. what is the full form of sim

subscriber identity module

16. what is the full form of SMIL

synchronized multimedia integration language

17. what is the full form of SMS

short message service

18. what is the full form of SOS

send out succor

19. what is the full form of SQL

structured query language

20. what is the full form of SSL

secure sockets layer

21. what is the full form of TB


22. what is the full form of the TFT

thin-film transistor

23. what is the full form of tiff

tagged image file format

24. what is the full form of ups

uninterrupted power supply

25. what is the full form of URL

uniform resource locator

26. what is the full form of USB

universal serial bus

27. what is the full form of vb

visual basic

28. what is the full form of VBR

variable bit rate

29. what is the full form of VBS

visual basic script

30. what is the full form of VCD

video Compaq disk

31. what is the full form of virus

vital information resources under seize

32. what is the full form of VLC

Video Lan Client

33. what is the full form of wap

wireless application protocol

34. what is the full form of wifi

wireless fidelity

35. what is the full form of WMA

windows media audio

36. what is the full form of WMV

windows media video

37. what is the full form of www


38. what is the full form of XBL

XML binding language

39. what is the full form of XML

extensible markup language

40. what is the full form of YB


41. what is the full form of ZB


42. what is the full form of a zip

zone improvement plan


दोस्तों आशा करता हूँ कि आप को Computer इस पोस्ट से अवश्य लाभ हुआ होगा। अगर आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आयी है तो इसे आप अपने सभी Friends के साथ शेयर जरूर करें। अगर इस पोस्ट से रिलेटेड कोई भी समस्या आ रही हो, तो हमें Comment करके जरूर बताये। इस पोस्ट को लास्ट तक पड़ने के लिए दिल से आप सभी का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।

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